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Autor/inn/enYarger, Sam J.; Mintz, Susan L.
TitelA Post Hoc Analysis of Field Negotiated Content in a Two-Year Competency-Based Teacher Education Program.
Quelle(1976), (30 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCompetency Based Teacher Education; Elementary Schools; Field Experience Programs; Internship Programs; Performance Contracts; Preservice Teacher Education; Program Design; Student Teaching; Teaching Experience; Teaching Skills; Urban Education
AbstractAt least four factors are important to consider in contemporary teacher education programs: the demand for increased accountability; the emphasis on field-based instruction; the need for responsiveness to field input; and the need for responsiveness to student input. In New York, the demand for increased accountability has been translated into a state requirement for the development of competency based teacher education programs. This paper describes the Syracuse Teacher Corps Project, which recruited 31 interns who had completed two years of undergraduate training, and provided teacher education that led to a bachelor's degree and an initial teaching certificate. The program is field based to the extent that the interns spent approximately half of their time on instructional teams in an inner city school setting. The other half of their commitment was directed toward the university courses necessary to complete their academic program. Competency agreements were negotiated between the preservice interns and either a field-based team leader or a field-based clinical instructor. (DMT)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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