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Autor/inDavis, Vivian I.
TitelIncluding the Language Learning Disabled Student in the College English Class.
Quelle(1975), (18 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; College English; Dyslexia; English Instruction; Higher Education; Learning Disabilities; Learning Processes; Low Ability Students; Reading Difficulty; Student Needs; Student Problems; Teaching Methods; Writing (Composition)
AbstractThis paper explores the characteristics and problems many language learning disabled (LLD) and dyslexic students have in college and suggests ways for college English composition teachers to help them. LLD students are often poor spellers and their handwriting looks like that of a younger child. Constant difficulty with certain grammatical transformations may also be clues of language learning disability. LLD students may have trouble with reading and may be incapable of getting meaning from certain words. Many LLD students also have problems in decoding the oral language and in communicating their own thoughts orally. Characteristics of the causes and conditions for dyslexia are discussed and three suggestions are offered for picking up clues about students who may be disabled. The teacher should first find out what LLD students need and what they have to offer and then find out how they can work with their fellow students most beneficially. Visual materials, rather than oral or written assignments, are suggested as being particularly effective for LLD students. (TS)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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