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Ariadne Pfad:


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Autor/inPloman, Edward W.
InstitutionCouncil of Europe, Strasbourg (France). Committee for Out-of-School Education and Cultural Development.
TitelA Survey of New Communications Technologies and Their Uses.
Quelle(1973), (50 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCable Television; Citations (References); Communications Satellites; Foreign Countries; National Surveys; Organizations (Groups); Program Descriptions; Telecommunications; Video Equipment; Videotape Cassettes; Canada; United States
AbstractThe present survey focuses on certain major developments in various countries which are of immediate relevance to the production, distribution, reception and uses of new communications technologies and media; i.e., satellite communications, cable television, videograms and new forms of video-production. Technical explanations have been avoided, except where they are essential for an understanding of social, legal and other implications. Information is provided on concerned institutions and organizations. The selection of listed documentation has been based on recognized, authoritative studies. While it has proved possible to provide a fairly complete account of the situation with regard to satellite communication, a complete account of the cable television situation in each country would not be possible in the framework of this survey. Information is provided on current and foreseen uses and services. With regard to videograms, the information concentrates on software aspects. Completing the survey, mention is made of the more authoritative, policy oriented studies of the foreseeable technical developments in the communications field and their implications for society and the individual. (Author/SL)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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