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Autor/inBerryman, Doris L.
InstitutionNew York Univ., NY. School of Education.
TitelDevelopment of Educational Programs for New Careers in Recreation Services for the Disabled. Final Report.
Quelle(1971), (140 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCareer Planning; Careers; Comparative Analysis; Educational Programs; Evaluation; Job Analysis; Labor Force Development; Physical Disabilities; Questionnaires; Recreational Programs
AbstractParaprofessional recreation personnel in hospitals, extended care centers, homes for the aged, and recreation departments were surveyed to define their roles and functions. Visits to 28 job analysis sites helped to identify a total of 79 job tasks and functions. A working model for a career lattice in recreation, and suggested content for a training program were some of the results of a 2-day conference of recreation educators, consultants, experienced practitioners, and recreation assistants. In the resulting training program, two groups of trainees were used to test a field teaching approach which was evaluated by pre- and posttesting. The results indicated that the training program was effective, and that many participants were stimulated to consider careers in recreation. One recommendation was that the training program should be revised and refined. (GEB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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