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Autor/inn/enDavison, Donald G.; Kilgore, John H.
InstitutionIowa Univ., Iowa City.
TitelThe Child's World of Choices.
Quelle(1968), (179 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterConcept Teaching; Economics; Economics Education; Fundamental Concepts; Grade 1; Grade 2; Grade 3; Inquiry; Kindergarten; Learning Activities; Multimedia Instruction; Primary Education; Social Studies; Teaching Guides; Units of Study
AbstractThis publication serves as a supplement to social studies guides in kindergarten through third grade. As such, it provides a means of incorporating economic understandings into the social studies curriculum. The aim is to develop in a sequential and systematic fashion the student's ability to identify and analyze significant economic forces operating in the world around him. It is organized by grade level, with five basic economic generalizations. While the statements of the generalizations remain unchanged throughout the text, their treatment becomes more complex and sophisticated with each successive grade. An overview and a teaching guide follow each generalization at each grade level. The overview gives a nontechnical and comprehensive explanation of the generalization and provides the general framework for structuring each activity. The teaching guide includes a list of economic terms and their definitions provided to aid the teacher's understanding of the material. It also includes child-oriented activities designed to convey the major concepts to be developed for each generalization. Teachers at each grade level should be familiar with activities undertaken in both prior and subsequent grades. Two supplementary parts of the packet are described in SO 000 573 and SO 000 574. (SBE)
AnmerkungenBureau of Business and Economic Research, College of Business Administration, University of Iowa, Phillips Hall, Iowa City, Iowa 52240 ($2.50, 1 to 10 copies)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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