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Autor/inKuhns, William
TitelThe Instructional Film is Dead.
Quelle4 (1967) 2, S.21-3 (4 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterDiscussion (Teaching Technique); English Instruction; Film Study; Instructional Films; Repetitive Film Showings; Teaching Methods
AbstractSome of the "quality short films" available today are far more effective for film study than the traditional instructional films. The explicit learning from the noninstructional type of film (e.g., "You're No Good," the story of a young dropout) must occur through inference as the impact of the film is deepened through provocative class discussion. Such a film can be used to (1) illustrate literary or filmic techniques, (2) parallel another object of study as a means of seeing both sharply, (3) reveal the implications of an historical or literary idea, (4) motivate discussion, and (5) encourage serious self-reflection. Primarily, however, the film should sufficiently involve students for them to want to discuss it. In a productive discussion, the teacher should attempt to clarify all questions, relate remarks to specific moments in the film, and conclude the discussion with a second showing of the film. (JB)
AnmerkungenMedia and Methods Institute, Inc., 134 N. 13th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19107 (Subscription: $3.00 per year. Single copy $0.40).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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