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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionManitoba Dept. of Education and Training, Winnipeg.
TitelHealth Education (Senior 2) Curriculum Guide.
Quelle(1993), (564 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Adolescent Development; Class Activities; Curriculum Guides; Drug Education; Foreign Countries; Grade 10; Health Education; Health Promotion; High Schools; Learning Activities; Mental Health; Sexuality; Student Attitudes; Student Behavior; Canada
AbstractThis Senior 2 (grade 10) health curriculum guide is designed to accommodate the needs and developmental tasks of adolescents. The publication provides a course of instruction to help students choose and practice responsible behavior conducive to maintaining and enhancing health. The guide is organized into 5 units: (1) "Contributing to Community" discusses positive role models, health promotion, health supports, rights and responsibilities of group membership, and concern for environment and health; (2) "Responsibility to Self and Others" addresses personal safety, facts and misconceptions about alcohol and other drugs, the pharmacology of alcohol and other drugs, the continuum of use, misuse and problem use of alcohol and other drugs, defense mechanisms, attitudes about alcohol and other drugs, tobacco, and chemically dependent families; (3) "Responsible Sexual Behavior" considers abstinence, affection, using assertiveness skills, condom awareness (optional), AIDS/STD and social issues, and unplanned pregnancy, and it includes an AIDS/STD knowledge test; (4) "Mental Health" concentrates on the continuum of mental health, body image, and grief and loss; and (5) "Transitions" focuses on stages of family life, healthy relationships, and parenting as a future role. Suggested student activities, including case studies, provide opportunities to identify personal needs, assess attitudes and values, and explore and communicate various points of view. A bibliography provides an extensive list of print and audiovisual resources. (LL)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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