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Autor/inEnriquez, Grace
Titel“But They Won't Let you Read!”: A Case Study of an Urban Middle School Male's Response to School Reading
QuelleIn: Journal of education, 193 (2013) 1, S.35-47Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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AbstractThis qualitative case study presents the perceptions of Derrick, a Black urban adolescent male who enjoys reading but believes that inconsistent school discourses hinder his success and enjoyment as a reader. Findings show that Derrick's purposeful work while reading was limited and misunderstood because, among other factors, there was a pervasive effect of test-driven reform. I argue that his critique of formal reading instruction reveals that even progressive approaches to education are not immune to the discursive power of the accountability and standardization movement, and that resultantly, the active and avid reading engagement of this Black adolescent male was ultimately neglected, inhibited, and dismissed.
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