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Autor/inFetner, Debra McLellan
TitelJoining the Conversation: Idea Exchange--Scaffolding: Tutor Training Activity
QuelleIn: Learning Assistance Review, 16 (2011) 1, S.7-9 (3 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterLocus of Control; Self Efficacy; Metacognition; Tutor Training; Learning Processes; Tutors; Tutoring; Mathematics Instruction; Scaffolding (Teaching Technique); Study Skills; Study Habits
AbstractJim Valkenburg's article "Scaffolding and Tutoring Mathematics" that appeared in the Fall 2010 issue of The Learning Assistance Review (TLAR) addressed the characteristics of appropriate communication between a tutor and tutee as they approach their work together in study sessions. One strategy he examines is the use of scaffolding, a concept popularized by Jerome Bruner to describe a type of academic assistance utilized by a more competent tutor with his less knowledgeable or experienced tutee. Valkenburg states that learning assistance provided by a tutor "serves a good purpose" when the work will "engage the student, bring a better understanding of the materials, and lead to the student's ability to independently do the work." Of particular interest to the author is Valkenburg's reference to techniques studied by Wilhelm, Baker & Dube (2002) that a teacher (tutor) employs to move the student (client) through a series of increasingly independent processes. The techniques attempt to accomplish three goals of tutoring, which the author stresses to her tutors: (1) teaching content (knowledge and skills); (2) building good intellectual habits (study strategies); and (3) encouraging motivational and affective processes (metacognition, self-efficacy, persistence, locus of control, self regulation). Effectively tutoring clients involves a skillfully conscious exchange. Tutors are expected to work with a variety of individuals and be sensitively and thoughtfully responsive to the actions and knowledge of each. Knowing when and how long to wait as the client processes information and how much help to provide are decisions that must be made in a short tutoring session. As tutors progress through the academic year and get to know their own capabilities as well as their clients', the author's objective is for them to develop into reflective practitioners who are eager to return the next year to tell their stories to the new training class. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenNational College Learning Center Association. Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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