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Autor/inn/enMirenda, Pat; Wilk, Diana; Carson, Paul
TitelA Retrospective Analysis of Technology Use Patterns of Students with Autism over a Five-Year Period
QuelleIn: Journal of special education technology, 15 (2000) 3, S.5-17Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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AbstractSince 1993, students with autism in British Columbia schools have received technology supports through a provincial government initiative. This retrospective, exploratory study involved a file review of students with autism who participated in this initiative over a five-year period. The following questions were addressed.Who were the students with autism to whom technology was provided?What type(s) of technology did they receive?What were the profiles of students who received specific types of technology?For which educational goal areas was technology used?How successful was it?Results suggested that the majority of students received technology for educational participation while a smaller number received voice output communication aids; some students received both types of technology. The primary goals for which technology was used were related to writing, expressive communication, and social interaction. When numerical “success scores” were assigned to teachers' annual reports of the outcomes of technology use, 60% of the students were assigned scores suggesting successful or very successful use, and only 12% were scored as having little or no success. Success scores did not appear to be related to students' cognitive ability, but students who received technology at a young age appeared to experience more success than those who received it as adolescents. The preliminary results are discussed in terms of the potential for positive outcomes of technology use by students with autism and the need for additional research in this area.
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