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Autor/inn/enBatt, Rosemary; Christopherson, Susan; Rightor, Ned; Van Jaarsveld, Danielle
InstitutionEconomic Policy Inst., Washington, DC.
TitelNet Working: Work Patterns and Workforce Policies for the New Media Industry.
Quelle(2001), (65 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdults; College Graduates; Computer Assisted Design; Computer Graphics; Computer System Design; Creativity; Educational Needs; Emerging Occupations; Employee Responsibility; Employer Employee Relationship; Employment Opportunities; Employment Patterns; Employment Practices; Employment Qualifications; Fringe Benefits; Independent Study; Information Industry; Information Systems; Information Technology; Internet; Job Skills; Professional Continuing Education; Programming Languages; Salaries; Salary Wage Differentials; Self Employment; Skill Development; Technological Advancement; Telecommunications; New York (New York)
AbstractA study was made of the labor market issues facing professionals and employers in the new media industry, an industry that combines elements of computing technology, telecommunications, and content to create products and services that can be used interactively by consumers and business owners. The study was carried out through a Web-based survey of members of five intermediary associations that serve workers in the industry. The study focused on a group of highly accomplished professionals in New York City to identify lessons for success in a project-oriented environment with highly complex skill demands and rapidly changing technology. The study found that the professionals surveyed earned an average of $99,000 from new media work in 1999, far more than the national average for people employed in this area. Yet they faced significant challenges in acquiring new skills, managing their careers, and establishing employment and income security. They spent an average of 13.5 hours per week in unpaid time learning new skills and more than 6 hours per week in looking for employment. The researchers concluded that challenges for the industry include establishing criteria for evaluating job skills and creating ways for professionals to acquire more training and find jobs or projects in less time. Research methodology is appended. (Contains 14 references, 13 figures, and 7 tables.) (KC)
AnmerkungenEconomic Policy Institute, 1660 L Street NW, Suite 1200, Washington, DC 20036 ($12.95). Tel: 800-373-4844 (Toll Free); Tel: 202-775-8810; Fax: 202-775-0819; e-mail:, Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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