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Autor/inn/enRaymond, Laurel; Quinn, Zarah
TitelWhat a Writer Wants: Assessing Fulfillment of Student Goals in Writing Center Tutoring Sessions
QuelleIn: Writing Center Journal, 32 (2012) 1, S.64-77 (14 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterWriting Processes; Laboratories; Tutors; Peer Teaching; Tutoring; Writing (Composition); Writing Instruction; Higher Education; Undergraduate Students; Authors
AbstractThe writing center where the authors were trained and currently work emphasizes the model of non-directive, writer-based peer tutoring in which, as Jeff Brooks puts it, tutors "make the student the primary agent in the writing center session." As undergraduate peer tutors, they recognize that some students come into their writing center with goals for the session that may not fit with their long-term goals for them as writers. Nonetheless, if they ignore goals that they deem shortsighted, they risk robbing students of their authority over their papers, isolating them from their own writing processes, and inhibiting their ability to connect with them. For a tutorial to produce better writers, the tutor must honor the writer's concerns and allow him/her to direct the session. The purpose of this study was to analyze the fulfillment of students' initial concerns in writing center peer tutorials. Furthermore, the study examines which concerns are most common among students when they come to the writing center and which concerns tutors most commonly focus on. (Contains 1 figure and 2 tables.) (ERIC).
AnmerkungenWriting Center Journal. 011 Memorial Hall University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19718. e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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