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Autor/inn/enFresen, Sue; Logan, Joshua; McCarron, Kathleen
InstitutionLeon County Schools, Tallahassee, FL.
TitelAmerican History--Part 2. Teacher's Guide [and Student Workbook]. Revised. Parallel Alternative Strategies for Students (PASS).
[Report No.: ESE-10970.A; [Report No.: ESE-10970.B
Quelle(2000), (579 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lernender; Leitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Academic Accommodations (Disabilities); Academic Standards; Classroom Techniques; Curriculum; North American History; Regular and Special Education Relationship; Secondary Education; Social Studies; Student Educational Objectives; Student Evaluation; Teaching Methods; United States History; Vietnam War; World War II
AbstractThis teacher's and student's guide is part of a series of content-centered packages of supplemental reading, activities, and methods adapted for students who have disabilities. Parallel Alternative Strategies for Students (PASS) materials are designed to help these students succeed in regular education content courses. The content in PASS differs from standard textbooks and workbooks in several ways: simplified text, smaller units of study, reduced vocabulary level, increased frequency of drill and practice, less cluttered format, and presentation of skills in small, sequential steps. The material is designed to supplement state-adapted textbooks and other instructional materials. This guide is intended for teachers and students of American history and covers the time period from 1924 to the present. The content is based on the Florida Curriculum Frameworks and correlates to the Sunshine State Standards. It is divided into 11 units of study that correspond to the social studies strands. Each unit in the teacher's guide contains: a description of the unit focus, suggestions for enrichment, an assessment, and an answer key. The teacher's guide appendices include instructional strategies, teaching suggestions, inclusion suggestions, and a chart that correlates relevant benchmarks from the Sunshine State Standards with the course requirements. The student workbook contains vocabulary, an explanation of the content, and practice exercises designed to evaluate comprehension. (Contains 30 references.) (CR)
AnmerkungenFlorida Dept. of Education, Div. of Public Schools and Community Education, Bureau of Instructional Support and Community Services, Turlington Bldg., Room 628, 325 West Gaines St., Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400. Tel: 850-488-1879; Fax: 850-487-2679; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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