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Sonst. PersonenLöhr, Isabella (Hrsg.); Wenzlhuemer, Roland (Hrsg.)
TitelThe nation state and beyond.
Governing globalization processes in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Der Nationalstaat und darüber hinaus. Steuerung des Globalisierungsprozesses im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert.
QuelleBerlin: Springer (2013), IX, 260 S.
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ReiheTranscultural research Heidelberg studies on Asia and Europe in a global context
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN3-642-32933-0; 978-3-642-32933-3
SchlagwörterKultur; Internationalisierung; Nationalismus; Nationalstaat; Politik; Politisches System; Globalisierung; Wirtschaft; Hochschulbildung; 19. Jahrhundert; Netzwerk; Technik; Verwaltung; Katholische Kirche; Informationstechnologie; Asien; Deutschland; Frankreich; Großbritannien; Ostasien; Vatikan
Abstract"The history of globalization is anything but a no-frills affair that moves smoothly along a clear-cut, unidirectional path of development, eventually leading to seamless global integration. Accordingly, scholarship in the social sciences has increasingly argued against equating the history of globalization processes and transcultural entanglements with the master narrative of the gradual homogenization of the world. Examining the shifting patterns of global connections has, therefore, become the main challenge for all those who seek to understand the past, the present and the future of modern societies. And this challenge includes finding a place for the nation state. The studies presented here argue that looking at the nation state from the perspective of global entanglements opens the door for its interpretation as a dynamic and multilayered structure that takes part in globalization processes and plays various and at times even contradictory roles at the same time." (publisher's description). Contents: Isabella Löhr and Roland Wenzlhuemer: Introduction: The Nation State and Beyond. Governing Globalization Processes in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries (1-26); Part I Economies: Guido Thiemeyer: The "Forces Profondes" of Internationalism in the Late Nineteenth Century: Politics, Economy and Culture (27-42); Madeleine Herren: "They Already Exist": Don't They? Conjuring Global Networks Along the Flow of Money (43-64); Part II Technologies: Norman Weiß: Institutionalised Co-operation on International Communication: The International Administrative Unions as a Means of Governing Globalisation Processes (65-82); E. Thomas Ewing: "A Most Powerful Instrument for a Despot": The Telegraph as a Trans-national Instrument of Imperial Control and Political Mobilization in the Middle East (83-100); Simone Müller-Pohl: Working the Nation State: Submarine Cable Actors, Cable Transnationalism and the Governance of the Global Media System, 1858-1914 (101-126); Part III Education: Heather Ellis: National and Transnational Spaces: Academic Networks and Scholarly Transfer Between Britain and Germany in the Nineteenth Century (127-148); Klaus Dittrich: Appropriation, Representation and Cooperation as Transnational Practices: The Example of Ferdinand Buisson (149-176); Part IV Borders: Tomoko Akami: The Nation-State/Empire as a Unit of Analysis in the History of International Relations: A Case Study in Northeast Asia, 1868-1933 (177-208); James Casteel: On the Civilizing Mission of the Global Economy: German Observers of the Colonization and Development of Siberia, 1900-1918 (209-234); Thies Schulze: Nationalism and the Catholic Church: Papal Politics and 'Nationalist' Clergy in Border Regions (1918-1939) (235-256).
Erfasst vonGESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim
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