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Autor/inValenzuela, Hector
TitelA Multiple Case Study of College-Contextualized Mathematics Curriculum
Quelle9 (2018) 2, S.49-55 (7 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterCollege Mathematics; Mathematics Curriculum; Case Studies; Qualitative Research; Curriculum Design; Lesson Plans; Relevance (Education); Problem Solving; Computation; Learning Processes; Interviews; Skill Development; Mathematics Skills; Observation; Washington
AbstractContextualization is a method used for mathematics curriculum design within lesson plans and as a pedagogical practice in face-to-face classes. Many researchers are studying the effects of using contextualization in the teaching and the learning process for mathematics (Bottge & Cho, 2013; Perin, 2011; Young, Hodge, Edwards, & Leising, 2012). Contextualization refers to the teaching of mathematics problems that emphasize real-life situations. For example, an instructor could develop a contextualized assignment on exponential functions and equations by having students work on an Internet-based task to determine the monthly payment for a new car at a given price and interest rate for a specific loan duration. In this example, instructors would teach students how to compute with exponential formulas to come up with the monthly amount. Additionally, contextualization is defined as the development of mathematics problems that are authentic and related to real-world applications that are connected to students' future careers (Bottge & Cho, 2013; Bottge, Ma, Gassaway, Butler, & Toland, 2014; Valenzuela, 2012, 2014). Furthermore, students often have difficulty solving computational problems solely focused on formulaic computations, without any real-world connections (Khiat, 2010; Puri, Cornick, & Guy, 2014). (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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