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Autor/inGainous, Fred
InstitutionAlabama State Dept. of Postsecondary Education, Montgomery.
TitelOp-ed Essays: Sharing the Perspective of Alabama's Two-Year Colleges, Volume I-III.
Quelle(1999), (67 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Articulation (Education); College Role; Community Colleges; Dual Enrollment; Education Work Relationship; Governance; Institutional Mission; Job Enrichment; Labor Force Development; Partnerships in Education; Two Year Colleges; Work Experience Programs; Alabama
AbstractThis document consists of three separately-published collections of essays by the chancellor of the Alabama College System, presenting his perspectives on aspects of the two-year college system in that state. The document begins with the system's mission statement, and an explanation of the principles underlying the mission. The essays that follow address these topics: (1) the findings from a national workforce development study showing the critical role of community colleges; (2) the importance and relative cost effectiveness of remedial education; (3) Alabama's two-year colleges and market-based learning as developed with the input of local employers; (4) the experiences of the community colleges in implementing Alabama's school-to-work initiative; (5) a description of the debate taking place regarding which state agency should govern the community colleges; (6) the work being done by the Articulation and General Studies Committee to develop statewide course standards for freshmen and sophomores; (7) dual enrollment programs being established between high schools and community colleges; (8) the impact of the global economy on community college offerings; (9) the rise of employment among women in high-wage, high-skill, professional and administrative jobs; and (10) the impact of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 on community college training. (CAK)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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