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Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Autor/inBrand, Betsy
InstitutionOffice of Vocational and Adult Education (ED), Washington, DC.
TitelWhat's Ahead for Employment and Training.
Quelle(1990), (11 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Apprenticeships; Creativity; Decision Making Skills; Economic Change; Education Work Relationship; Educational Improvement; Futures (of Society); High Schools; Job Training; Postsecondary Education; Problem Solving; Quality of Working Life; School Business Relationship; Skill Development; Teamwork; Technology; Vocational Education
AbstractIn order to remain competitive, a new economic system requires employees to be better educated, be more creative, work in teams, solve problems, make decisions, and improve and upgrade skills and education. As technology advances and companies push employees to assume more responsibility, the traditional vocational system will be in the spotlight. It will be replaced by a system responsive to changing work force and workplace needs. One way to help build a more competitive work force is to strengthen the school-to-work connection. A better system for preparing noncollege-bound youth to enter the work force is necessary for a flexible system. There are several options for students in high schools and two-year colleges for combining school and work. The first is expanding apprenticeship programs in some form. Efforts to create part-time apprenticeships for high school students have been successful. Work-based learning combines proficiency-based classroom instruction and workplace experience for secondary and postsecondary students. The second approach to strengthening the transition is Tech Prep, which fosters lifelong learning by combining academic and vocational courses. The new Perkins Act provides an education program leading to a 2-year associate degree or certificate, which offers links between secondary schools and postsecondary institutions. The third approach for using work as part of the learning experience is through the use of school-based enterprises (SBE). SBEs are school-sponsored activities that engage students in providing services or producing goods that improve young people's potential. Business partnerships play an active part of the reform of the educational system to develop young people's potential. Also necessary are the establishment of new relationships between secondary and postsecondary educators and between academic and vocational educators. (NLA)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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