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Autor/inHumphreys, Harvey
InstitutionPennsylvania School for the Deaf, Philadelphia.
TitelBicycle Repair Course of Instruction. Final Report.
Quelle(1975), (123 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Curriculum; Curriculum Guides; Deafness; Job Analysis; Multiple Disabilities; Occupational Surveys; Repair; Special Education; Teaching Guides; Trade and Industrial Education
AbstractDeveloped for an occupational training program in bicycle repair for the multiply-handicapped deaf student, this curriculum guide is organized around three levels of achievement each having a specific terminal objective and corresponding to a predetermined employment entry-level skill. Level I is a general service level; Level II, advanced service and general mechanical repair; and Level III, advanced mechanical repair and shop management. The course outline for all levels is presented in chart form. Examples of units of instruction are Tires, Tubes, Wheels, Frames, Brakes, Accessories, Crank Unit, Engineering Principles, and Shop Management. For each lesson topic within the unit, the teacher objective, student activity, and bibliographic reference are presented. Guidelines for implementing the course include lists of general student requirements and entry skills, facility description, and lists of tools, equipment, parts, and supplies. A bibliography contains both texts and reference materials. (The curriculum was developed from the results of a questionnaire survey of 15 local bicycle repair centers. The questionnaire consisted of a task inventory, and respondents were asked to indicate those tasks which students should be able to do correctly for entry-level employment.) Survey results and project forms are appended. (RG)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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