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Autor/inLerner, Neal
TitelIntroduction to "The Polarities of Context in the Writing Center Conference"
QuelleIn: Writing Center Journal, 30 (2010) 1, S.12-15 (4 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterFamiliarity; Laboratories; Tutors; Writing (Composition); Conferences (Gatherings); Tutoring; Literacy Education
AbstractJanangelo's article "The Polarities of Context in the Writing Center Conference" appeared in "WCJ" in 1988, and in that piece, one he wrote as a graduate student at New York University, Jangangelo identifies what to the author is likely the central tension in writing center work: local versus general context. While other authors have explored the tension between the local and the general, Janangelo highlighted this topic much earlier in the pages of "WCJ." In looking back on his essay, Janangelo told the author that "as a teacher and a WPA, I think it's good for students to widen their audience and to work with as many students, tutors, and teachers as possible so they can create and experience new creative contexts. As a person, it strikes me that context can also occlude communication and learning...too much history and too many shared/contested meanings can yield frustration because the words and silences are freighted." Janangelo's essay teaches writing tutors to disrupt the familiarity of context and to extract the elements of their work that are unique to individual context and that which might be extended to the next session, center, or research study. The author believes there's a deep context in Janangelo's article, one that connects writing center directors, tutors, and writers past and present, and one he hopes will connect with new readers as "WCJ" represent Janangelo's essay. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenWriting Center Journal. 011 Memorial Hall University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19718. e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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