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Ariadne Pfad:


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Autor/inn/enBateman, Mary Jo; und weitere
InstitutionCatholic Charities of Richmond, Inc., VA.
TitelFacing the World. An Independent Living/Pre-Employment Curriculum for Refugee Youths.
Quelle(1991), (73 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Adolescents; Adult Literacy; Career Planning; Class Activities; Curriculum; Employers; English (Second Language); Health Education; Independent Living; Job Search Methods; Language Skills; Limited English Speaking; Money Management; Nutrition; Refugees; Safety; Taxes; Vocabulary; Young Adults; Virginia
AbstractThis document, a curriculum guide focusing on both independent living skills and job readiness skills, is based on the experience of the Bilingual Vocational Education program in Virginia. The lessons are sequenced to increase in difficulty as students acquire more English skills, but individual units do not necessarily require competencies developed in preceding units. Each unit includes an objective, suggested procedures and materials, and a list of supplemental resources. Contents are as follows: (1) "Toto, We're Not in Kansas Anymore" -- what newly arrived teens want and need to know (school bus procedures, teen culture, cliques and gangs, setting goals); (2) "If You Don't Have It, Don't Spend It" -- money management (budgets, banking systems, consumer skills); (3) "Man Cannot Live by Rice Alone" -- nutrition (four food groups, meal preparation); (4) "Life's a Jungle" -- health and safety issues (securing health care, hazards and effects of drugs, alcohol, tobacco); (5) "From Football Player to President" -- employment in the United States (developing a career plan); (6) "Get to Work" -- job search skills (locating employment prospects, job applications, resumes, business letters, interviews, paycheck math); (7) "Working Your Way Up the Ladder without Falling Off" -- job retention skills (employer/employee relations, co-worker relationships, customer/employee relationships); and (8) "Pooling Our Resources" -- income tax. Appended are information and activities related to teaching students who are functionally illiterate in their native language, trust building, budgeting vocabulary and exercises, check writing, deposit slip practice, grocery shopping, job readiness, resume worksheet, interview tips, and classified ad abbreviations. (Contains 18 references.) (LB) (Adjunct ERIC Clearinghouse on Literacy Education)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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