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Autor/inn/enSancho, Anthony; und weitere
InstitutionSouthwest Regional Lab., Los Alamitos, CA.
TitelComprehensive School Health Education for Hispanic Youth: Insights about Curriculum Adaptation.
Quelle(1991), (64 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Alcohol Education; Compensatory Education; Consumer Education; Curriculum Development; Disadvantaged Youth; Disease Control; Drug Education; Elementary Secondary Education; Guidelines; Health Education; Health Programs; Hispanic American Students; Hispanic Americans; Language Minorities; Nutrition Instruction; Spanish Speaking; Student Attitudes
AbstractThis guide is intended for teachers, health educators, curriculum developers, staff development specialists, and administrators responsible for teaching health to Hispanic students. It suggests ways to make health education relevant to this group in terms of the content emphasized, activities chosen, and learning styles used. The guide also provides background information about this rapidly growing population. The first chapter discusses the purpose of the guide and the use of the term "Hispanic." The second chapter is an introduction, and the third chapter "Who Are Your Students?" discusses the diversified Hispanic population in the United States and Hispanic classifications and degrees of acculturation. The fourth chapter, "Health Issues for Hispanic Youth," covers consumer health, community and environmental health, disease prevention and control, prevention of drug use and drug abuse, mental and emotional health, family life, and nutrition. The fifth chapter offers Hispanic students' responses from a focus group on health and health education. The sixth chapter, "Implications for Health Education," discusses general guidelines, the impact of culture on health education, health education content, instructional methodologies, and materials. Chapter 7 contains a conclusion. Further sections list Spanish language health resources, a subject index, and 20 references. (JB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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