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Autor/inAytaç, Tufan
TitelAnalysis of the Perceptions of Teachers with Regard to Education Inspectors' Levels of Carrying out Their Duties and Roles: A Meta-Analysis Study
Quelle5 (2019) 11, S.81-104 (24 Seiten)Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterForeign Countries; Teacher Attitudes; Inspection; Teacher Supervision; Guidance; Gender Differences; Academic Rank (Professional); Effect Size; Tenure; Turkey
AbstractThe approach of modern educational supervision aims to create self-improvement opportunities which are suitable for each teacher by considering their individual differences and personal traits. The aim of this study is to present the effect of teachers' genders and seniorities on their perceptions with regard to Education Inspectors' levels of carrying out their duties and roles. MA and PhD theses, and research articles discussing this issue in Turkey were taken into the scope of this study. As a result of the browsing, it was seen that there are 44 studies between 2000 and 2019 which are deemed appropriate for the inclusion criteria. Within the scope of these studies, the number of samples is 17060 which consist of 8703 female teachers and 8357 male teachers. As one of the methods used to synthesize research results and used in the re-analysis of the findings of empirical studies, meta-analysis method was used in the study. According to the results of the study, from the point of gender variable, a statistically insignificant level of effect size (d=-0,15; [-0,06/-0,22]) was detected for the benefit of male teachers as indicated by random effects model. From the point of seniority variable (33 studies), an effect size with statistical significance at an insignificant level (d=0,07; [-0,08/0,23]) was determined for the benefit of teachers with 1-10 years of experience as indicated by random effects model. The result that genders and seniorities of teachers have an insignificant level of effect on their perceptions with regard to Education Inspectors' levels of carrying out their duties and roles can be considered as another topic of research stating that other factors apart from these variables (satisfaction with the occupation, socio-economic level, communication, culture, qualities of inspector etc.) might be effective. (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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