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Autor/inPhillips, James A.
TitelInstructional Objectives in Economics Teaching: Philosophy, Effect, and Extent of Use.
Quelle, (11 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterBibliographies; College Curriculum; Course Objectives; Economics Education; Educational Objectives; Higher Education; Learning; Research Reports; Research Reviews (Publications); Teaching Methods
AbstractThis paper defines and develops the use of instructional objectives in economic education. Such teaching technique is hypothesized to improve economic understanding through improved learning efficiency and evaluation of learning achieved. Instructional objectives are defined and exemplified, both in general literature and specific practice. In addition, the present extent of instructional objective use in economic education is surveyed, and research studies of instructional objective effect are reviewed. Recommendation is made for further research studies of instructional objective effect, for further implementation of instructional objectives in college economics programs, and for organizational (AEA, WEA, JCEE) activity and encouragement. A complete bibliography of instructional objective literature (construction, theory, implementation, research) is provided. (Author)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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