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InstitutionAdministration on Children, Youth, and Families (DHHS), Washington, DC. Child Care Bureau.
TitelMinimum Standards for Tribal Child Care Centers.
Quelle(2000), (30 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterRecht; American Indians; Child Caregivers; Day Care Centers; Disease Control; Early Childhood Education; Facility Guidelines; Federal Indian Relationship; Federal Regulation; Hygiene; Safety; Sanitation; Standards; Tribes
AbstractThese minimum standards for tribal child care centers are being issued as guidance. An interim period of at least 1 year will allow tribal agencies to identify implementation issues, ensure that the standards reflect tribal needs, and guarantee that the standards provide adequate protection for children. The standards will be issued as regulations after the interim period. These standards are specifically for child care centers and do not apply to family child care providers. This document is organized into three sections that correspond to the basic Child Care and Development Fund health and safety standards, and is further divided into subsections around specific topics. Section 1, policies, practices, and caregiver training, addresses staffing ratios, caregiver qualifications, caregiver training, and program policies. Section 2, building and premises, covers safe environment, nurturing and enriching environment, and transportation. Section 3, infection control, discusses immunizations, sanitation, handwashing, food safety, care of ill children, and caregiver health. Each subsection contains a principle, an explanation of why the topic is important, and standards related to the topic. An appendix presents universal precautions. (TD)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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