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Autor/inn/enKrajec, Valerie Dawkins; Bloom, Paula Jorde; Talan, Teri; Clark, Douglas
InstitutionNational-Louis Univ., Wheeling, IL. Center for Early Childhood Leadership.
TitelWho's Caring for the Kids? The Status of the Early Childhood Workforce in Illinois.
Quelle(2001), (96 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; Administrator Qualifications; Administrators; Career Development; Career Ladders; Child Caregivers; Day Care; Day Care Centers; Early Childhood Education; Educational Quality; Family Day Care; Preschool Teachers; Teacher Qualifications; Illinois
AbstractNoting that there is a lack of consistent and accurate information about the teachers, administrators, and support staff who work in early childhood settings in Illinois, this study documented the early childhood workforce serving in infant/toddler, preschool, and school-age programs in the state. The study also determined the impact of the current career development system on practitioners, the programs they serve, and the public at large. Data sources included state agencies' statistics, other state and national reports, and surveys on compensation and turnover, preferred nomenclature for professional roles and program types, and pre-kindergarten teachers' career decisions. Survey participants included 4,125 early childhood teachers and administrators and 557 pre-kindergarten teachers. Among the major findings of the study are the following: (1) there are wide disparities in qualifications and compensation for comparable work in different early childhood settings; (2) director qualifications are related to program quality; (3) accreditation has a positive impact on overall program quality; (4) Illinois lacks a coherent system of initial preparation, ongoing professional development, and career counseling for early childhood teaching, administrative, and support staff; and (5) many caregivers operate outside the established early childhood regulatory system and thus do not have access to technical assistance or professional training. Based on findings, specific recommendations were devised for designing and implementing a comprehensive statewide career development system. (Appendices contain a glossary of relevant terms and data collection instruments. Contains 80 endnotes.) (KB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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