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Autor/inGrimm, Susan
InstitutionColorado Office of Resource and Referral Agencies, Inc., Englewood.
TitelWho Is Watching Our Kids? A Profile of the Colorado Child Care Workforce in the Year 2000.
Quelle(2000), (42 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdministrator Qualifications; Administrator Responsibility; Administrators; Caregiver Role; Child Caregivers; Day Care; Day Care Centers; Early Childhood Education; Educational Philosophy; Fringe Benefits; Infant Care; Interviews; Job Satisfaction; Salaries; Surveys; Colorado
AbstractNoting the need for current, accurate information on the Colorado child care workforce in order to make policy and programmatic decisions, this report describes the enrollment capacity and provides a staffing profile of child care centers, directors, teachers, and family child care providers statewide. The report draws on data collected by means of surveys completed by 300 directors, and telephone interviews conducted with 100 teachers and assistants and 71 home providers. Key findings relate to characteristics of child care centers, including enrollment, capacity, and staffing. For each separate job classification (director, teacher/assistant teacher, family child care provider), the following information is provided: (1) demographic characteristics such as gender and racial/ethnic background; (2) qualifications (education and experience); (3) salary and benefits; (4) job responsibilities; (5) turnover; (6) philosophy of child care; (7) perceived challenges and rewards of the job; (8) job satisfaction; and (9) suggestions for improving child care. The report concludes by noting that with over 60 percent of Colorado children attending some form of child care, society would benefit from a well-educated and stable child care workforce and Colorado will benefit from investing in the state's child caregivers. Appendices include a glossary of relevant terms and director, staff, and home provider surveys. (KB)
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Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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