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Autor/inn/enGarland, Corinne W.; Osborne, Sheri C.
InstitutionChild Development Resources, Norge, VA.
TitelSpecialCare Outreach: A Project Designed To Expand Child Care Options for Children with Disabilities. Final Report.
Quelle(2000), (109 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAgency Cooperation; Attitudes toward Disabilities; Child Caregivers; Curriculum; Day Care; Day Care Centers; Early Childhood Education; Family Day Care; Inclusive Schools; Knowledge Level; Outreach Programs; Program Evaluation; Training Methods
AbstractThis report discusses the activities and outcomes of a project designed to expand inclusive child care options for families of young children with disabilities through replication of the SpecialCare model of training, while developing linkages for collaboration through interagency planning groups with priority given to empowerment zone or enterprise communities. The SpecialCare model of training builds on traditional caregiving roles and skills, expanding caregivers' knowledge and level of comfort so that caregivers are willing and able to extend their traditional roles to care for children with disabilities. Training provides information on inclusive child care, getting to know children with disabilities, building relationships with families, including young children with disabilities in daily activities, community services for young children with disabilities, and preparing for the child's arrival. During the past four years, SpecialCare Outreach provided training to 1,235 caregivers and helped 23 sites replicate the SpecialCare model. Evaluation data indicate that SpecialCare training increased caregivers' knowledge and level of comfort, so that caregivers were willing and able to extend their traditional roles to care for children with disabilities. The report discusses the goals of the project, theoretical framework, problems encountered, impact, and future activities. Appendixes include a curriculum outline and training materials. (CR)
AnmerkungenChild Development Resources, Inc., PO Box 280, Norge, VA 23127. E-mail:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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