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Autor/inJohnson, Michael N.
TitelSchool Leaders and the Renewal of Rural Community: Dare the Schools Save an Old Social Order?
Quelle(1994), (22 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Community Development; Democratic Values; Educational Change; Educational Philosophy; Elementary Secondary Education; Entrepreneurship; Governance; Rural Areas; Rural Development; Rural Education; School Community Relationship
AbstractRural school and community renewal efforts may depend upon a reconceptualization of our democratic institutions and practices. During at least the last 130 years, we have come to judge our democratic institutions on the basis of whether they deliver the goods rather than develop our people. In the name of progress, efficiency, higher standards of living, and equal opportunity, our leaders have been willing to do nearly anything, and we have been willing to overlook nearly anything, so long as the goods have been delivered. Modern commercial practices exploit people and places in the pursuit of maximized profits. Having plundered the countryside and moved virtually the entire citizenry into the urban economy, multinational corporations are now beyond the control of any government and are moving toward the exploitation of the whole world. An alternative view of a good society is based on a conception of democracy in which human development rather than efficiency is the ultimate standard for evaluating systems of governance. As a foundation for rural renewal, this view acknowledges the interdependence of persons grounded in their particular place on earth. The purpose of education, then, is to learn to live in a place well, and educational practices for rural renewal focus on the local context, students' entrepreneurial skills, and community development. Examples of rural schools implementing these changes include Nebraska's Schools at the Center Initiative, Alabama's Program for Rural Services and Research, South Dakota Black Hills Special Services Cooperative, and South Dakota State University's Rural School and Community Renewal Program. (SV)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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