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Autor/inn/enAronson, Susan; Smith, Herberta
InstitutionAmerican Academy of Pediatrics. Pennsylvania Chapter.
TitelModel Child Care Health Policies.
Quelle(1993), (89 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Child Caregivers; Child Health; Day Care Centers; Early Childhood Education; Educational Planning; Educational Policy; Facility Guidelines; Health Services; Models; Program Development; School Age Day Care; Symptoms (Individual Disorders)
AbstractDrawn from a review of policies at over 100 child care programs nationwide, the model health policies presented in this report are intended for adaptation and selective use by out-of-home child care facilities. Following an introduction, the report presents model policy forms with blanks for adding individualized information for the following areas: (1) admissions; (2) supervision; (3) discipline; (4) the care of ill children; (5) the provision of health services and education; (6) principles and procedures for applying medication; (7) establishment of emergency plans; (8) establishment of evacuation plans and drills; (9) issues related to children's authorized caregivers; (10) safety surveillance; (11) transportation and field trips; (12) sanitation and hygiene; (13) food handling and feeding policy; (14) areas and equipment for sleeping; (15) smoking, prohibited substances, and guns; (16) staff considerations, including requirements, benefits, and evaluation; (17) the design and maintenance of the physical plant; and (18) the review and revision of policies, plans, and procedures. Finally, 24 appendices present sample forms, including applications, parental authorization and consent forms, and attendance records. Guidelines and descriptions of medical conditions resulting in exclusion from services, a safety checklist, cleaning guidelines, menus, and a staff health assessment form are also appended. (BCY)
AnmerkungenAmerican Academy of Pediatrics, Suite 220, Dayton Building, 610 Old Lancaster Road, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010-3809.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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