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Autor/inn/enMagliocca, Larry A.; und weitere
InstitutionOhio State Univ., Columbus. Center for Special Needs Populations.
TitelThe Early Integration Training Project. Final Report.
Quelle(1993), (54 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAgency Cooperation; Attitude Change; Child Caregivers; Day Care Centers; Disabilities; Inservice Education; Interdisciplinary Approach; Mainstreaming; Preschool Education; Problem Solving; Social Integration; Special Education; Staff Development; Technical Assistance; Training Methods; Workshops; Ohio
AbstractThis final report describes activities of the Early Integration Training Project (EITP), which provided multidisciplinary inservice training to child-care personnel in Ohio to facilitate the inclusion of young children (birth through age 5) with disabilities in typical community early childhood programs. The 3-year project has provided a 15-hour training program to 1,046 individuals from 35 Ohio counties. The training approach was developed to be suitable for mixed audiences, to promote the development of relationships among providers, and to utilize collaborative interagency features. The resulting training program consists of four modules entitled: (1) "What is Integration?" (2) "Who Are the Children?" (3) "Who Are the Adults?" and (4) "Problem Solving and Preparation for Integration." Participant evaluation was found to be uniformly high, and follow-up evaluation found significant changes in participant awareness of the issues and changes in practice. A total of 102 children were reported to be integrated as a direct result of the training program. This report includes sections on: the project's goals and objectives, the theoretical and conceptual framework of the project, description of the model and participants, methodological and logistical problems and solutions, evaluation approach, project impact, and sources of further information. (DB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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