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Autor/inn/enRyan, Joseph F.; und weitere
TitelAction Planning for Educational Reform in Missouri: Public Schools and Colleges of Education Helping One Another.
Quelle(1985), (7 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; College School Cooperation; Cooperative Programs; Educational Cooperation; Educational Improvement; Elementary Secondary Education; Higher Education; State Legislation; Teacher Education
Abstract"The Excellence in Education Act of 1985" recently passed by the Missouri General Assembly provides incentives for school districts and other institutions to encourage programs that emphasize business-education partnerships, school improvement councils, parent participation proposals, instructional improvement projects, and other school improvement projects. Recommendations have been made to colleges of education to require of their teacher candidates: (1) clinical (school-based) instructional expertise; (2) excellent teachers to serve as role models; (3) adequate supervision specific to skill attainment; and (4) opportunity to interact with professional personnel in the total school community. Assistance to school districts in the planning and implementation of action plans for reform include these components: (1) preparing principals to be instructional leaders; (2) developing a performance-based teacher evaluation system; (3) providing for career ladders; and (4) planning and implementation of a school-wide discipline plan. This paper lists selected provisions of the state bill relating to both the public schools and the colleges or schools of education. (JD)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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