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Autor/inFullan, Michael
InstitutionNational Inst. of Education (ED), Washington, DC. Teaching and Learning Program.
TitelImplementing Educational Change: Progress at Last.
Quelle(1982), (43 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Administrator Role; Adoption (Ideas); Change Strategies; Community Characteristics; Cooperative Planning; Educational Change; Educational Environment; Elementary Secondary Education; Peer Relationship; Problem Solving; Program Design; Program Implementation; School Districts; Teacher Characteristics
AbstractIn an examination of the implementation of educational change, a discussion is presented on the purpose, meaning, and context of change. Consideration is given to the value of change, its benefits and feasibility, and the capacity for implementation. In the second section of the paper, 14 factors related to the implementation of change in schools are summarized, and corresponding research on these factors is cited. In discussing the characteristics of the change itself, the factors of need, clarity, complexity, quality, and practicality are examined. Six factors influencing the characteristics of change at the school district level are discussed: (1) the district's history of innovative attempts; (2) the adoption process; (3) district administrative support; (4) staff development and participation; (5) time-line and information systems; and (6) community characteristics. In discussing the school level factors relating to change, the role of the principal, teacher-teacher relationships, and teacher characteristics and orientations are singled out as factors for consideration. The last set of factors are considered under the label of assistance external to the school district. Six types of outcomes of change are identified: (1) degree of organizational change; (2) scope of implementation; (3) incorporation of the product; (4) incorporation of a problem-solving process; (5) problem resolution; and (6) personal impacts. The final section of the paper addresses implications, unresolved issues, and the question of deriving practical lessons for integrating the theory and practice of educational change. (JD)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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