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Autor/inPigg, Kenneth E.
InstitutionNorth Central Regional Center for Rural Development, Ames, IA.
TitelRural Economic Revitalization: The Cooperative Extension Challenge in the North Central Region.
Quelle(1986), (15 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAgriculture; Community Action; Community Development; Economic Factors; Entrepreneurship; Extension Education; Family Income; Futures (of Society); Leadership Effectiveness; Local Issues; Program Development; Public Policy; Regional Characteristics; Rural Areas; Rural Development; Rural Economics; Rural Extension; Trend Analysis
AbstractThe difficulties presently being faced by rural communities in the North Central Extension Region are well known. Many of these communities have economies which are closely tied to farming and therefore suffer economic hardship in direct relationship to those encountered by farmers. However, a dominant characteristic of communities in the region is their diversity, and the economic conditions of other communities in the region may be more closely tied to changes in the structure of American manufacturing, or the aging of the population, or the structural and physical isolation experienced by communities because of inadequate access to transportation and communication infrastructure. The revitalization of communities in the region will be primarily the responsibility of courageous, dedicated, and imaginative local leadership. As a part of the fabric of these rural communities, Cooperative Extension must be an integral part of this leadership. Cooperative Extension can offer assistance such as intrapreneurship tools, computerized impact analysis, leadership assistance services, networking of extension professionals working in economic development, public-private partnerships, and business development activities. (Author/JHZ)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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