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Autor/inn/enEisenberg, Mike; Henson, Jane; Howley, Craig; Cawley, Nancy; Ramirez, Bruce; Rothenberg, Dianne
TitelRising Expectations: A Framework for ERIC's Future in the National Library of Education. Report of the ERIC Operations Framework Task Force.
Quelle(1997), (18 Seiten)
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ReiheERIC Publications
Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAccess to Information; Development; Educational Resources; Futures (of Society); Information Dissemination; Information Industry; Information Services; Information Technology; Technological Advancement
AbstractThis report describes the work that the ERIC system must do in the future in order to accommodate the rising needs of patrons in a networked electronic world. The report highlights two dilemmas that compromise ERIC's continued ability to deliver what patrons expect. The first dilemma concerns ERIC's legacy of remarkable efficiency. While per pupil expenditures have doubled and federal education expenditures have quadrupled (in constant dollars), ERIC's resources have been cut by 80%, though the system has managed to flourish. The second dilemma is that ERIC is a paper-based system in an emerging electronic age. This report recommends four principles of a suitable new operations framework for ERIC: (1) sustain and increase ERIC's capacity to meet rising expectations in the information age; (2) think of ERIC as a key, load-bearing wall as the National Library of Education is built; (3) foster ERIC as the main place for organizing, linking, describing, and making accessible all education resources in all formats; and (4) develop to a much higher level ERIC's historic capacity to create useful and authoritative syntheses, analyses, and interpretations--in other words, the substantive intellectual capacity of each of the 16 ERIC Clearinghouses. (Author/AEF)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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