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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionIdaho State Dept. of Education, Boise. Div. of Vocational Education.
TitelOrientation to Health Occupations: Year One Curriculum Guide.
Quelle(1992), (112 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Allied Health Occupations Education; Anatomy; Behavioral Objectives; Career Awareness; Competency Based Education; Emergency Programs; Employment Potential; Ethics; Health Education; Health Promotion; High Schools; Laboratory Safety; Leadership; Medical Services; Mental Health; Nutrition; Occupational Safety and Health; Sexuality; State Curriculum Guides; Stress Management; Vocational Education; Idaho
AbstractThis Idaho state curriculum document for the first year of the secondary educations health occupations program contains the following introductory material: (1) a description of the program design; (2) a list of first-year areas of competency; (3) a foundation and job-readiness skills task list; and (4) a core curriculum task list. The curriculum guide consists of performance objectives, tasks, and enabling objectives on 15 topics: (1) introduction to the health care industry; (2) medical terminology; (3) career awareness; (4) anatomy and physiology; (5) universal precautions; (6) growth and development; (7) human sexuality and family life; (8) wellness: healthy life practices (including health care consumer and health care worker, nutritional health and fitness, environmental health, mental and emotional health, substance use and abuse, and personal plan for healthy living); (9) communications in health care; (10) legal and ethical responsibilities; (11) safety in health care; (12) emergency procedures; (13) leadership and followership; (14) job-seeking/keeping skills; and (15) body mechanics and body kinetics. Other contents include the following: 5 textbooks and 13 additional references for year one; 6 textbooks for basic skills for year one; addresses and telephone numbers for suppliers of audiovisual materials; learning categories that vocational education teachers must impart; a proposed model for secondary health occupations; and options for program delivery. Appendix A contains checklists for demonstration of basic skills related to units 5, 12, and 15 of the guide. Appendix B contains masters for handouts and other worksheets. Appendix C contains information related to Idaho requirements for students to receive health education credit. (CML)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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