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Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Autor/inn/enKerr, John; Niebauer, Walter E., Jr.
TitelA Base-Line Study on the Use of Outside Database, Full Text Retrieval Systems by Newspaper Editorial Page Writers.
Quelle(1986), (24 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterDatabases; Editorials; Information Services; Information Sources; Journalism; Newspapers; Occupational Surveys; Online Searching; Research Tools; Special Libraries; Use Studies; User Satisfaction (Information)
AbstractBased on the premise that editorial page writers do not have what they consider sufficient time to adequately research their topics, a study surveyed newspaper librarians and writers to determine the extent of database system use by editorial page writers. Circulations of the participating newspapers were included as a variable to determine if newspaper size had any bearing on the responses. The survey sample consisted of 40 editorial page writers representing 27 newspapers and 24 libraries. Among the findings were the following: (1) 29 writers agreed or strongly agreed that lack of time to do an adequate job of research was their biggest problem; (2) with the larger newspapers, the time problem was less severe; (3) the majority of writers did not use the computer database retrieval systems in most of their research; and (4) writers at newspapers where librarians serve as mediators were more satisfied with the database retrieval systems than were writers at newspapers where mediators were not available. (HOD)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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