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Autor/inn/enCharnley, A. H.; und weitere
InstitutionNational Inst. of Adult Education, Leicester (England).
TitelAdult Education and the Local Community: Volume XII. Review of Existing Research in Adult and Continuing Education.
Quelle(1983), (109 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Education; Adult Students; Community; Community Characteristics; Community Colleges; Community Development; Community Education; Community Schools; Continuing Education; Educational Objectives; Foreign Countries; Government Role; Lifelong Learning; Mass Media; Program Descriptions; Social Change; Working Class; United Kingdom
AbstractThe twelfth in a series of research reviews investigating adult education in Great Britain, this paper focuses on adult education activities in local geographic areas and on the concept of "community" and its enhancement of adult education services. After part 1 summarizes the other reviews in the series, part 2 discusses the role of local education authority (LEA) areas, the organization and content of adult education, informal educational modes, a case study of an LEA, and research concerned with local areas. Part 3 examines the concept of community education; considering the definition and creation of "community"; local, democratic, and lifelong learning emphases; service to particular groups; the roles of the interventionist, social activist, and action research; and community education as an extension of adult education. Part 4 describes local adult education projects in Great Britain, including attempts to increase working class participation, widen the clientele, and serve Asian immigrants. Part 5 looks at community colleges and schools in Great Britain and North America, while part 6 addresses the role of the media in the local community. Training provisions for local and community educators and the contributions of national and regional bodies to community education are considered in parts 7 and 8. Finally, part 9 offers recommendations for future research. Results of a survey of adult education fees in 1981-82 are appended. (HB)
AnmerkungenNational Institute of Adult Education, 19B DeMontfort Street, Leicester. LEI 7GE. (3.00 British Pounds, plus postage. Cash with order).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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