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Autor/inZainuddin, Nurkhamimi
TitelTechnology Enhanced Language Learning Research Trends and Practices: A Systematic Review (2020-2022)
QuelleIn: Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 21 (2023) 2, S.69-79 (11 Seiten)Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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ZusatzinformationORCID (Zainuddin, Nurkhamimi)
Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterTechnology Uses in Education; Second Language Learning; Educational Research; Trend Analysis; Educational Practices; Literature Reviews; Electronic Learning; Research Methodology; English (Second Language)
AbstractIn recent years, the role of technology in language classrooms has grown in importance. Due to recent developments in the education sector, technology-enhanced language learning (TELL) has come into the spotlight. Previous studies have shown that technology encourages both instructors and students to take an active role in the language learning process. In light of the widespread adoption and enabling power of immersive technologies and the potential applications of TELL, it is imperative that the literature be continuously investigated to identify the types and tendencies of recent studies in order to understand current practises and guide future research in the field with two research questions; RQ1: What are the trends and practices of TELL in language teaching and learning? and RQ2: What are the research methodologies employed in TELL studies? This review carefully examines the overall research trends and practises in language education in order to chart the development of TELL during the past few years. Out of 87 publications found in 2020-2022, 17 were selected using exclusion and inclusion criteria from Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus. Using five codes obtained from previous systematic reviews, we performed an analysis and synthesis of these publications. The codes are: (1) aim, (2) methodology, (3) sample, (4) country, and (5) outcomes. The bulk of the studies used a quantitative research technique to look into TELL trends and practises in language teaching and learning, and the systematic review found that TELL was more widespread in universities than in other types of schools, with the lowest occurrence seen in primary schools. In light of these findings, suggestions for more investigation were made. Academicians are urged to broaden the scope of future study and include students from all levels of education in future TELL practises in order to better understand TELL's usage in language teaching and learning. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenAcademic Conferences Limited. Curtis Farm, Kidmore End, Nr Reading, RG4 9AY, UK. Tel: +44-1189-724148; Fax: +44-1189-724691; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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