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Autor/inn/enStork, Elizabeth; Hartley, Nell Tabor
TitelClassroom Incivilities: Students' Perceptions about Professors' Behaviors
QuelleIn: Contemporary Issues in Education Research, 2 (2009) 4, S.13-24 (12 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterStudent Attitudes; College Students; Teacher Behavior; College Faculty; Test Construction; Teacher Competencies; Teacher Student Relationship; Student Rights; Classroom Environment; Comparative Analysis; Pretests Posttests; Focus Groups; Surveys; Intervention; Private Colleges; Consciousness Raising; Gender Differences; Age Differences
AbstractA learning environment is a social one, and as a social environment it impacts what learners retain, how they form ideas, and what connections are made and lost when acquiring new skills and knowledge (Goleman, 2006). Today's college students' expectations for and perceptions of professors in the classroom are likely to influence their learning environments. This paper reports on the development of a 56-item instrument, the Student Perceptions of Professor Behavior (SPPB), and findings about student perceptions concerning offensiveness of professor behaviors. Preliminary results suggest students' perceptions fall into two domains: a professor's competence and interest, and respect for the individualism of students. Perceptions about egregiousness and number of offensive behaviors lessened over a course semester. Learning about today's students' perceptions and expectations may improve practices, learning environments and ultimately learning outcomes. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenClute Institute. 6901 South Pierce Street Suite 239, Littleton, CO 80128. Tel: 303-904-4750; Fax: 303-978-0413; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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