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Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Autor/inn/enThurlow, Martha; Bolt, Sara
InstitutionCouncil of Chief State School Officers, Washington, DC.; National Association of State Directors of Special Education, Alexandria, VA.; National Center on Educational Outcomes, Minneapolis, MN.
TitelEmpirical Support for Accommodations Most Often Allowed in State Policy. Synthesis Report.
[Report No.: NCEO-41
Quelle(2001), (50 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Accommodations (Disabilities); Academic Standards; Accountability; Braille; Educational Assessment; Elementary Secondary Education; Incidence; Large Type Materials; Reading Aloud to Others; State Regulation; Student Evaluation; Testing Accommodations; Testing Problems
AbstractThis report is a compilation of information collected from a searchable database on the testing accommodations that are most often allowed for students with disabilities in state policies. These ten accommodations include: (1) Braille edition of the test; (2) computer/machine response; (3) dictate response to a scribe; (4) extended time; (5) interpreter for instructions; (6) large print edition of a test; (7) mark answers in test booklet; (8) read aloud test items; (9) read/reread/simplify/clarify test directions; and (10) test breaks. Each accommodation is explained, research data are provided on the use of the accommodations, controversies relating to the accommodations are discussed, and recommendations regarding the accommodation are provided. The report concludes that there were three accommodations that more than 90 percent of the states allow without limitations: Interpreter for Instructions, Large Print Edition of the Test, and Read/Reread/Simplify/Clarify directions. For these three, the primary concerns relate to the equality of the implementation of the accommodation and to the alignment of the accommodation to the specific student's needs. The Read Aloud accommodation was the most controversial of the most frequently allowed accommodations, with only four states allowing it without limitations. (Contains 75 references.) (CR)
AnmerkungenNational Center on Educational Outcomes, Univ. of Minnesota, 350 Elliott Hall, 75 East River Rd., Minneapolis, MN 55455 ($10). Tel: 612-626-1530; Fax: 612-624-0879; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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