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Autor/inBrown, Gerald R.
TitelLatvia School Library & Information Services Development. Project Two.
Quelle(2001), (140 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterEducational Development; Elementary Secondary Education; Foreign Countries; Higher Education; Information Services; Library Services; Pilot Projects; Program Descriptions; Program Development; School Libraries; Latvia
AbstractThis series of seminars and meetings was designed to build on the success of the Pilot Project 2000 carried out in collaboration with NORDINFO (Nordic Council for Scientific Information) and the University of Latvia. It was structured to provide four dimensions: visits to schools and District Resource Centers to provide background material to the facilitator from some of the best models in the country; seminars to encourage teacher-librarians and principals to become aware of the components of a modern School Library and Information Services Program; strategic planning seminar with the Latvia School Library Association to grapple with its changing role and activities for the coming year; and meetings and discussions with leaders at the Ministry of Education and various faculties of the University of Latvia. Contents of this report on Project II are as follows: Executive Summary; Rationale; Aim of the Project; Methodology; Background for the Discussions; Definitions; Components of a Modern School Library and Information Services Program; District Resource Center Services--Observations; Seminar for Managers, Teacher-Librarians and Principals; Ministry of Education Discussions; Latvia School Library Association Board Members Developing the Strategic Planning Process; Infrastructure and Networking Discussion Meeting; University Administration Meeting; and Recommendations. Supplemental materials and information that includes guidelines and forms are provided in several appendices. (AEF)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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