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Autor/inBelcheir, Marcia J.
InstitutionBoise State Univ., ID. Office of Institutional Assessment.
TitelThe Contribution of College to Student Growth: A Boise State University and National Public Colleges Perspective. Research Report.
Quelle(1999), (62 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; College Outcomes Assessment; College Students; Comparative Analysis; Educational Objectives; Extracurricular Activities; Higher Education; Individual Development; Questionnaires; Social Development; State Universities; Student Attitudes; Student Development; Student Educational Objectives; Student Surveys; Tables (Data)
AbstractThis study compared the perceptions of Boise State University (BSU) students with those of other four-year college enrollees in the areas of importance of educational outcomes, college contributions to reaching educational outcomes, personal growth in a variety of areas, and college contributions to personal growth. The study used the American College Testing (ACT) College Outcomes Survey to compare responses of BSU students (n=720) with a nonrandom national group of students who completed the survey at public four-year colleges. Both the BSU students and the control group agreed that the outcomes they thought were most important involved career and major and were concerned with the general thinking and problem-solving skills. Outcomes traditionally associated with general education (e.g., understanding math, appreciating fine art, environmental concerns) ranked last in importance. The findings indicate that the entire college experience is important in fostering growth in both academic and nonacademic areas. Students who are disengaged from out-of-class campus activities due to jobs and family responsibilities generally see college as less important to their growth, especially in personal and social areas. Survey data are presented in 17 tables. Appended are the survey form and a list of the universities surveyed. (RH)
AnmerkungenBoise State University, 1910 University Dr., Boise, ID 83725.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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