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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionOregon State Dept. of Human Resources, Salem.
TitelUna Guia Para Padres Para El Cuidado de Ninos (A Parent's Guide to Child Care).
Quelle(1993), (24 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Check Lists; Child Caregivers; Community Resources; Day Care; Day Care Centers; Early Childhood Education; Economically Disadvantaged; Family Day Care; Financial Support; Guidelines; Information Services; Low Income Groups; Referral; School Age Day Care; Selection; State Aid; State Programs; Welfare Recipients; Welfare Services; Oregon
AbstractThis booklet was designed to help parents in Oregon in finding and financing child care for their children. The first section of the booklet provides information on the Oregon Department of Human Resources' Adult and Family Services (AFS) Division's Aid for Dependent Children (ADC) and Employment Related Day Care (ERDC) programs. This section explains how to register a child care provider with the ADC and ERDC; how the child care programs of ADC and ERDC function; and what information must be reported to caseworkers by ERDC recipients. Tables showing AFS coverage for child care, by age of the child and area of the state, are also included. The second section focuses on finding child care. Parents are encouraged to contact a local reference and referral (R&R) agency, ask friends and family members to recommend good caregivers, and utilize community resources. The booklet presents an overview of the kinds of child care available, including day care centers, home care, preschool and Head Start programs, and before and after school day care. After noting the availability of government-supported nutrition programs, the booklet provides a checklist for identifying a good caregiver, including questions to ask when assessing a child care provider. The final sections list resources for parents, including local community and state agencies and R&R agencies for child care. (AC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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