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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionNorthwest Regional Educational Lab., Portland, OR.
TitelKeys to School Boardsmanship Project. Rural Education Program Final Report.
Quelle(1982), (53 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Education; Board of Education Role; Information Dissemination; Leadership Training; Material Development; Organizational Effectiveness; Professional Associations; Program Design; Program Development; Program Evaluation; Regional Programs; Rural Schools; Staff Development; Team Training; Workshops
AbstractBeginning in 1978, the Rural Education Program at the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory developed materials of the Keys to School Boardsmanship Project for local school boards, including 13 workshop packages and 2 films. A policy board, with members from the five northwest state associations of local school boards, defined topics to be developed. Workshop products were devised, field tested, reviewed by users and experts, and revised in accordance with recommendations. Resulting workshops were entitled Board/Administrator Relations; Building Bridges: School Board Members' Political Roles; Communicating with the Community; Conflict: Alternatives To Blowing a Fuse; Effective School Board Meetings; The Educational Management Team; Policy Development (including a film); Policy Is Power; Program Evaluation: School Board Roles; What Do School Boards Do?; School Board Self-Assessment; School Improvement: A Critical Function of School Boards; and Teamwork: The Board and Superintendent in Action (including a film). A "product inventory" describes rationale, objectives/outcomes, instructional methods, materials, time requirements, uses/variations for each workshop. Use of the Keys series was implemented in the northwest states and several other states. The Keys programs were also introduced and demonstrated to personnel and administrators of state associations of local school boards outside the northwest. Workshop services were provided to over 6,000 school board members. (MH)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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