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Autor/inSprick, Randy
TitelCHAMPS: A Proactive & Positive Approach to Classroom Management. Second Edition. Safe & Civil Schools
Quelle(2009), (520 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Classroom Techniques; Student Behavior; Behavior Modification; Classroom Environment; Time on Task; Interpersonal Relationship; Teacher Expectations of Students; Interpersonal Communication; Teacher Student Relationship; Help Seeking; Learning Activities; Student Participation; Success; Student Motivation
AbstractThe second edition of CHAMPS helps classroom teachers design (or fine tune) a proactive and positive classroom management plan that will overtly teach students how to behave responsibly. The new 2nd edition includes tips and resources to make this definitive guide to classroom management even more user-friendly. CHAMPS strategies are easy to implement and will: (1) Reduce classroom disruptions and office referrals; (2) Improve classroom climate; (3) Increase student on-task behavior; and (4) Establish respectful and civil interactions. By following the effective, research-based practices outlined in CHAMPS, teachers develop methods for clearly communicating their expectations on every classroom activity and transition. Expectations to clarify are: (1) Conversation: Can students talk to each other during this activity? (2) Help: How do students get the teacher's attention and their questions answered? (3) Activity: What is the task/objective? What is the end product? (4) Movement: Can students move about during this activity? (5) Participation: How do students show they are fully participating? What does work behavior look/sound like? and (6) Success: When students meet CHAMPS expectations, they will be successful! Key benefits of CHAMPS: (1) Teachers establish clear expectations with logical and fair responses to misbehavior; (2) Teachers spend less time disciplining and more time teaching; (3) Teachers learn tools to motivate students to do their best; and and (4) Students are taught how to behave responsibly. CHAMPS 2nd ed. includes downloadable self-assessment checklists, reproducible forms, certificates and badges, and 66 classroom icons in six different styles. [Written with contributions by: Keba Baldwin, Mike Booher, Maureen Gale, Mickey Garrison, Amalio Nieves, and Billie Jo Rodriguez.] (As Provided).
AnmerkungenAncora Publishing. 21 West 6th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97401. Tel: 866-542-1490; Fax: 541-345-1507; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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