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Autor/inMathews, David
InstitutionFurther Education Staff Coll., Blagdon (England).
TitelAssessment in the Workplace: News from the Faraway Land of Which We Know Little. Working Paper. Information Bank Number 2219.
Quelle(1986), (15 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Achievement; Adult Education; Competence; Developed Nations; Foreign Countries; Job Performance; Job Skills; Secondary Education; Standards; Student Certification; Student Evaluation; Vocational Education; Work Experience Programs; Youth Programs; United Kingdom (Great Britain)
AbstractAssessment of student achievement in the workplace identifies workplace skills students may not demonstrate in course work. It also induces a continuous sensitivity to industry needs. On-job training tends to have sufficient formality to encourage organized assessment and off-job learning can involve assessment to the point of excess. However, within the assessment of work-based learning, assessment of learning in the workplace is the most neglected. The remedy for this neglect requires two methodologies or strategies--one strategy for assessment in the workplace and another overall strategy for assessment of work-based learning with assessment in the workplace as one part. Focus of workplace assessment should be the three complementary components of job competence--skills of tasks, task management, and the role/job environment. The elaboration of the three in different workplaces is a matter for joint exploration between course team members and staff in the workplace. Standards of performance need to be developed, which should be thought of as criteria of performance rather than standards of competence. Information can be obtained from staff in the workplace who record whatever a learner has performed to workplace standard on an assessment map. Portfolios may be a preferred method to offer measured performances rather than profiles that provide generalizations. (YLB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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