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Autor/inn/enGarcia, Karal L.; Ozogul, Gamze
TitelU.S. Air Force’s Special Warfare Preservice Instructors’ Training: A Systematic Needs Assessment Approach.
QuelleIn: Tech trends for leaders in education and training, (2022) 1, S.17-31
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterAir Force training; Instructional design; Instructor education; Military training; Needs assessment; Preservice training
AbstractAbstract This needs assessment identified the competencies, subcompetencies, and tasks to include in the preservice instructor course of the U.S. Air Force’s Special Warfare Training Wing. Using the Borich needs assessment model, this study solicited the perceptions of current instructors on the importance of and their preparedness to execute competency-based tasks using Likert-type scales. A mean weighted discrepancy score (MWDS) was calculated for each task as a measure of training need. A steering committee served to triangulate survey findings, refine the competency list and determine if the task should be included in the preservice instructor course. A high MWDS did not mean the task belonged in the preservice instructor course if the task was suited to experienced instructors. Overall, 135 of 142 tasks were recommended for inclusion in the preservice course to provide broad exposure to pedagogical concepts. Recommendations were made for extending the use of MWDS during task analysis.
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