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Autor/inn/enVostal, Brooks R.; Mrachko, Alicia A.; Vostal, Meg; McCoy, Ashley
TitelEffects of Group Behavioral Skills Training on Teacher Candidates’ Acquisition and Maintenance of Active Listening.
QuelleIn: Journal of behavioral education, (2021) 4, S.679-698Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterBehavioral skills training; Teacher candidates; Active listening; Communication skills; Multiple probes across participants design
AbstractAbstract This study examined group-delivered behavioral skills training (BST) as a method for preparing special education teacher candidates to demonstrate active listening communication skills. Results indicated that: (a) BST was effective for instruction, (b) all instructional groups maintained communication skills across probes, and (c) participants felt prepared to talk to general education teachers and parents after BST in communication skills. Results offer evidence that BST can be implemented in group settings and can be used to teach communication skills to teacher candidates. Teacher preparers should consider BST as a method for communication skills training in university classrooms as a way to support preservice teachers.
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