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Sonst. PersonenJones, Terry-Ann (Hrsg.); Nichols, Laura (Hrsg.)
TitelUndocumented and in college.
Students and institutions in a climate of national hostility.
QuelleNew York: Fordham University Press (2017), VIII, 197 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9780823276165; 9780823276172
SchlagwörterUSA; Noncitizens; Education (Higher); United States; Government policy; Universities and colleges; Residence requirements; Jesuit universities and colleges; Erziehung
AbstractTheoretical and conceptual considerations for the study of undocumented college students / Terry-Ann Jones -- Immigration, Jesuit higher education, and the undocumented / Kurt Schlichting -- Becoming allies in eradicating long-standing legal barriers / Ana Nobleza Siscar and Sahng-Ah Yoo -- Alma mater, mater exulum : Jesuit education and immigration in America : a moral framework rooted in history and mission / Michael M. Canaris -- Uncertain but hopeful : the experiences of college students / Laura Nichols and Maria Guzmán -- From research to action : Jesuit institutional practices in response to undocumented students / Suzanna Klaf and Katherine Kaufka Walts.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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