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Autor/inn/enAcikgul Firat, Esra; Firat, Selcuk
TitelWeb 3.0 in Learning Environments: A Systematic Review
QuelleIn: Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 22 (2021) 1, S.148-169, Artikel 10 (22 Seiten)Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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ZusatzinformationORCID (Acikgul Firat, Esra)
ORCID (Firat, Selcuk)
Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterWeb 2.0 Technologies; Technology Uses in Education; Computer Simulation; Intelligent Tutoring Systems; Internet; Semantics; Educational Research; Educational Trends; Intellectual Disciplines; Research Design; Use Studies; Data Collection; Science Education; Mathematics Education; Second Language Learning; Research Methodology; Technology Integration
AbstractWeb 3.0 technologies have inevitably affected educational research. Many studies have been conducted on the use of Web 3.0 tools in learning environments. The synthesis and summarization of the results of these studies with a systematic review is considered important in terms of being the source of future research and helping to spread the use of these technologies in education. Hence the purpose of this systematic review is to obtain a better understanding of how Web 3.0 technologies can be used to enhance quality of educational settings. The systematic analysis was conducted by 81 papers from 2005 to 2020. The PRISMA Statement was used in the research and report generation process. Papers related to semantic, augmented reality, intelligent tutoring system, 3d visual environments, 3d games and ontologies is included in the study. The results show that in 2008 and 2013 there was an increase in the number of studies. In addition, most experimental studies have been conducted in this literature and the studies in the discipline of science education are more than other disciplines. When the data collection tools used in the studies were examined, it was found that the majority of the studies were quantitative and most benefited from surveys, questionnaires and observational information in the data collection process. In addition, the majority of studies focus on the learning usefulness and learning outcomes of the software used in the research. Furthermore, suggestions for future researches were made in line with the limitations and results of the study. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenAnadolu University. Office of the Rector, Eskisehir, 26470, Turkey. Tel: +90-222-335-34-53; Fax: +90-222-335-34-86; e-mail:; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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